Meet ESI’s newest team member!
Peter Olney joined ESI in the Summer of 2021 and serves as a Consulting Engineer in Structural Dynamics and Design
Peter Olney joined ESI in the Summer of 2021 and serves as a Consulting Engineer in Structural Dynamics and Design
We are sad to share the news of the recent passing of one of our firm partners, R. Barry Whiteaker.
Congratulations to Ryan Skoug of ESI Engineering on attaining the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) Board Certification in Acoustics and Noise Control!
ACI announces availability of a new Special Publication Foundations for Dynamic Equipment edited by Dr. Carl A. Nelson of ESI Engineering ACI recently published SP-348, Foundations for Dynamic Equipment, edited by Dr. Carl Nelson, Consulting Engineer at ESI Engineering and member of ACI Committee 351—Foundations for Equipment and Machinery. This publication grew out of the Technical Session entitled “Application of ACI 351-C Report on Dynamic Foundations,” held at the ACI Spring 2019 Convention in Québec...
Ryan Skoug, P.E. (Acoustics/OR) of ESI Engineering was invited by Interior Architects to be a co-presenter for their “Achieving Acoustic Zen in the Open Office” webinar. The event had 150 participants who learned more about how architects can work with acoustical consultants to improve sound issues in office buildings, both during project design and when troubleshooting issues afterwards. To watch the presentation, click on the following link: https://interiorarchitects.com/webinars/achieving-acoustic-zen-in-the-open-office/ Let our team at ESI...
Ryan Skoug, P.E. (Acoustics/OR) of ESI Engineering was an invited presenter at the 2020 Fall Conference of the Acoustical Society of America for the session on “Sound Transmission and Impact Noise in Buildings II”. Read more and watch a video of the presentation by clicking the link below.
Ryan Skoug of ESI Engineering just returned from San Diego, California where he was an invited presenter at the 2019 Fall Conference of the Acoustical Society of America for the session on “Sound Transmission and Impact Noise in Buildings”.
ESI recently worked with a client to improve meeting room speech intelligibility for in-person, conference call, and video conference meetings. This video describes the user complaints, the existing acoustic conditions, and a methodology to improve intelligibility in these rooms.
Ryan Skoug of ESI Engineering just returned from Houston, Texas where he attended the 2019 Fall ASTM Conference for the E33 Committee on Building and Environmental Acoustics.
ESI Engineering was the lead acoustic consultant to the design team for the new Prime Therapeutics Headquarters.
Ryan Skoug of ESI Engineering just returned from Denver, Colorado where he attended the 2019 Spring ASTM Conference for the E33 Committee on Building and Environmental Acoustics.
Carl Nelson of ESI Engineering has organized a technical session titled "Application of ACI Committee 351 Report on Dynamic Foundations" at the ACI 2019 Spring Convention in Quebec City, Canada.
ESI provided noise control consulting services to BWBR for the Regions Hospital Family Birth Center.
ESI was the lead acoustic consultant for the Cargill World Headquarters remodel project.
ESI was part of RSP Architect’s design team as the acoustical consultant for the new InterContinental Minneapolis Airport Hotel.
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 351 document, ACI 351.3R-18 "Report on Foundations for Dynamic Equipment" was recently published in January 2018.
ESI Engineering has recently been certified to give an exciting American Institute of Architects approved presentation on the basics of architectural acoustics!
ESI is proud to have been a team member on two of the thirteen projects recognized by the AIA Minnesota Honor Awards; the Minnesota State Capitol Restoration and the Ramsey County Library in Shoreview.
ESI was pleased to be a part of the HCMC's largest expansion project in their history, the Specialty Center.
The long-awaited 2nd Edition of AISC's Design Guide 11 (DG11) was made available in 2016. This article will summarize the changes relating to Chapter 6: "Design for Sensitive Equipment and Sensitive Occupancies" and the corresponding portions of Chapter 7 relating to the same topic.
ESI was pleased to be a part of the restoration work at the Minnesota State Capitol, which has recently wrapped up.
The Nebraska Medical Center Lauritzen Outpatient Center is now open in Omaha, Nebraska.
ESI provided noise control and acoustical consulting services on the new Ramsey County Library in Shoreview, Minnesota.
ESI finished up 2016 with a number of notable projects. One that got a lot of visibility (it was featured on the front page of the Star Tribune), was the design of the Smaaash go-kart track at the Mall of America.
Kerri Stein handles accounting and office administration tasks at ESI.
ESI recently presented "Noise Basics, Measurement and Requirements" at the Annual Institute for Building Officials at the University of Minnesota on January 12th, 2017.
Andrew Schmitt will be serving as a Consulting Engineer in Noise Control and Acoustics. Passionate about acoustics, noise control, and problem-solving, he is a great fit to the ESI team.
ESI is pleased to welcome Arjun Shankar as an Intern in Noise Control and Acoustics this summer. Arjun will be working closely with Tony Baxter and Ryan Skoug on measurements, data analysis, calculations and reports.
Learn about the seven basic ways to reduce noise. From increasing distance to using enclosures, or even adding room absorption, the process can be quite simple but give lasting results that people can notice.
As of November 2015, the new Guide to Noise Control in Minnesota is available from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. This guide discusses acoustical properties, measurement, analysis, and regulation.